About Us
Operating Companies

Operating Companies

Angola LNG’s vision is to be a reliable and competitive supplier, a strong community partner and a role model for development in Angola.
Different organisations manage Angola LNG’s value chain through service agreements to the parent company Angola LNG Limited. Explore these companies below to learn how each play a part in the overall project.
Soyo Plant

Angola LNG Limited

Is the investor company; it owns all assets, acquires gas, sells LNG and Liquids, and supplies Domestic gas.
OPCO plant site and facilities photo

Sociedade Operacional Angola LNG S.A.

Responsible for construction and operation of the plant and associated facilities.

Pipeline operations photo

Sociedade de Operações e Manutenção de Gasodutos

Responsible for pipeline operations and transporting gas and natural gas liquids from production platforms off the Angolan coast to the LNG plant.

Angola LNG Marketing Ltd

Angola LNG Marketing Ltd (ALM) is responsible for conducting LNG marketing activities and LNG and Liquids sales operations on behalf of Angola LNG.

ALM is also responsible, through Angola LNG Supply Services LLC (ALSS) for managing the dedicated fleet of vessels that ship LNG for delivery.

ALM is also responsible for managing the Angola LNG brand and for all external communications.